Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.

What is possible to report

Conduct, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or integrity of the public administration or private entity.

Whistleblowing does not cover the whistleblower's personal concerns, which are usually handled by other procedures.

You will find a list of issues within the report form, please use one of them.

Reported wrongdoing must relate to situations of which the reporter has become directly or indirectly aware, even casually, because of the work relationship and the role held.

Whistleblowing reports based on suspicion or gossip, on the other hand, cannot be considered worthy of legal protection because it is necessary to take into account the interest of the third parties who are the subject of the information reported in the complaint and at the same time to avoid the administration or the entity carrying out internal inspection activities that are likely to be unnecessary and, in any case, costly.

Finally, the requirement of accuracy of facts for the protection of the complainant remains in place.